SAITEM team represented Sakarya University for Formula-G Solar Powered Vehicles Competition organized by TUBITAK at Kocaeli Racetrack. SAGUAR 2 is ranked in the first place. It is Turkey's fastest…
Prof. Dr. Orhan Torkul, Dean of Sakarya University, and the committee from university visited Bursa Technical University. Prof. Torkul and the committee had meeting with BTU President Prof. Ali Sü…
Prof. Dr. Orhan Torkul, Dean of Sakarya University, and the committee from university visited Bursa Metropolitan Municipality (BBB) Department of Fire Brigade. As part of the visit of Metropolit…
Dekanımız Prof Dr. Orhan TORKUL ve Makine Mühendisliği öğretim üyesi Doç. Dr. Hakan Serhad SOYHAN İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi İtfaiye Daire Başkanı Ali KARAHAN'ı…
Students who will receive scholarship given by Credit and Dormitories Institution are required to follow the announcements on OF COMMUNICATION 2013-2014 KYK SCHOLARSHIP LISTNo &n…
Students who will work part-time in 2013-2014 Academic Year within the quota determined for the faculty are required to apply to Fiscal Service Office (Room 302) in Directorate of Health, Culture and …