The Council of Higher Education evaluated 201 universities in Turkey according to 64 indicators in 5 areas which are education and training, research and development, project and academic publi…
Sakarya University is very close to becoming a Research University. Sakarya University was declared a 'Candidate Research University' by The Council of Higher Education last year. 2023 perform…
General Manager of VOL ÇELİK Barış Emre Körmükçü, Human Resources Manager Çiğdem Gemici Taşdemir, and Technical Director Stanislav Dedov visited our Dean's Offi…
Istanbul Technical University organized the 9th Concrete Canoe Competition organized by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) this year. The Civil Engineering Community Concrete Canoe Team, w…
Our faculty students were trained about "2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program" and "2209-B University Students Industry-Oriented Research Projects Su…
SAİTEM Team which occurs Engineering Faculty students and Electrical and Electronics Engineering member Arş. Gör Kemal KALAYCI who is counselor of SAİTEM team have introduced solar powered vehicl…